I get a lot of drawing tutorial requests a day. Some are good, and some are not. In this video I explain my thought process in selecting which characters I do tutorials on.
I am pretty vigilant with my selections. Since I’m a one-man team with limited time, energy, and budget, I choose my tutorials very carefully. For now I pick the ones that will have the greatest effect on my viewers and in the growth of this channel.
As my channel grows, my library of tutorials expands, and my views increase, it will be easier for me to do obscure secondary characters or less popular characters.
For now, I’ll stick with my guidelines. And so here they are. In general, a request has to answer ‘YES‘ to most if not all of these:
1. Is it a popular, mainstream character? In other words, people who don’t usually watch whatever the show, movie, comic, or video game still know who that character is. Think like a salesperson — When is the best time to sell Christmas trees? School supplies? To maximize your sales, you need to sell them at the right season. If your request is for a character from an upcoming movie, the best time to release that character’s tutorial is when we are closer to the movie’s release. This way, the tutorial video will ride the wave of that movie’s interest, hype, and popularity. I could post a Justice League Flash tutorial video right now, but it won’t be as impactful as when I release one just before the Justice League movie is released.
2. Is it a popular YouTube search topic? I use several keyword tools to see how often people search for tutorials on characters. If a character scores low in the search rankings, I expect that character’s tutorial video will perform poorly as well. Also, not all characters in popular movies/shows/comics/video games are going to be popular tutorials. Consider the view counts for my Doctor Strange and Karl Mordo videos. Remember that they appear in the same movie:

3. Is it easy to do a tutorial on? Some things are very difficult or time-consuming to do tutorials on, like portraits of actors/actresses. I also try to avoid characters that don’t have distinct costumes or designs. Like 007 James Bond — at the end it’ll just look like a guy in a suit. Or Jason Bourne — there’s no design in his look that makes him distinct. I purposefully look for unique designs. They are easier to recognize.
4. Does it fit the theme or format of my YouTube channel? I have a very specific genre I choose characters from. A quick look at my videos and you’ll get a good idea of what I like to draw. So you probably won’t see me do tutorials on Shopkins, My Little Pony, or Twilight anytime soon.
5. I haven’t done a tutorial of that character already. Since there are too many characters out there to draw, I try not to do the same character twice. I’ll occasionally do variations of the same character, but that’s usually for characters with very popular variations. 9.5 times out of 10, I choose to do new characters.
6. Is there a good reference photo? I need a lot of good, clear reference photos to get a good idea of a character’s design. If no reference photos are available, it may take a while.
As you post your request, there are a few things to remember:
Don’t be spammy. Please don’t go to different videos, or my different social media accounts to say the same thing.
Don’t be entitled or rude. Remember that there’s a lot of effort on my part to make these videos, and they are offered to you FOR FREE. A little appreciation goes a long way.

Don’t ‘thumb down’ a video just because you’re not a fan of that character or property. I make videos for a lot of people’s interests, not just your own. If I make a tutorial for a character you’re not interested in, the best thing to do is not watch that video. There’s no sense in clicking on that video, watching a bit of it, then hitting the thumbs down button. Leave that video for the fans of that character.

Since I get A TON of requests everyday, I ask all of you to please be understanding and patient with me as I can only do several tutorials per week. Thanks!
Happy drawing,
How to Draw NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Logo (NFL National Football League) Narrated Step-by-Step Tutorial - Press News Reporter
[…] Have a Drawing Tutorial Request / Suggestion? WATCH THIS FIRST! […]
Can you draw please different characters from The Lord of the Rings an The Hobbit series ?
Can you pleeeeeaaaaaaassssssseeeeeeee draw Bob Ross?
Franco Unzueta
I was wondering if you can draw Hot Rod from Transformers The Last Knight and yes I know the movie was released 3 years ago I just want to draw it because I offered to draw him to a friend of mine and I have 8 weeks to draw him, don’t worry you only have to draw him shoulder up if you want. Yes, I know the photo shows knees up you can only focus on the shoulders up. Excuse me for choosing a not so good website but it is the best I can do.
The vampire diaries
Bm jaswant
Please draw Chang chi and entarnals drawings
Hey Rammy I just wanna day that you’re a great YouTuber and I hope u continue to draw at this level. Can you draw the Iron Man Infinity Gauntlet that Hulk wears in endgame?
Can you please make a tutorial on thorin, gandalf, or any Lord of the rings and Hobbits characters. Love your tutorials keep it up.
Can you do the doom slayer from doom 2016/eternal
Could your draw Joel Miller from the Last of us and maybe Ellie
Could you draw JoJo characters
Tyler Grosenick
Could you draw Cthulhu from H. P. Lovecraft’s Call of Cthulhu?
Hello I am new to this channel and I really like your drawings and all would you mind making please a anti venom symbiote drawing I would really appreciate it
How to Draw ATLANTA FALCONS Logo (NFL National Football League) | Narrated Step-by-Step Tutorial - Press News Reporter
[…] Have a Drawing Tutorial Request / Suggestion? WATCH THIS FIRST! […]
Kumar Amartyaroxx
Whats up sir it’s me your Instagram follower and I want u to draw a Spiderman into the spider verse any character it could be miles morales, spider ham or Spiderman
Hi Ramny Sir
Pls could u make a tutorial about Travis Scott skin from fortnite .If u accept my request I could send u a reference pic.
Could you draw Rick and Morty characters and Siren Head
Landon Bacon
Can you please show me how to draw omen from fortnite because every time I try I mess up.. please.
I read it all a couple of times.. thank you for the information. So can you draw the tier one hundred skin in season seven since that’s known well?
Abhineet Rastogi
hey ramy you are cool you draw some awesome drawings but can you plz draw auqaman from Justice league 2017 movie
your great fan
Abhineet rastogi
simo ben azzouz
Ramny can u pleeazzee draw chitanda from Hyouka
Hi there, for Anime I choose popular characters that even non-Anime fans are familiar with. Like Goku or Eren Yeager. The reason for this is that I don’t get a lot of views on my Anime videos. If I do a less popular Anime character, I don’t get the views. If I don’t get the views, my channel won’t grow. So for now, my answer is no.
There is a reason I asked you to read this blog post and watch the video. From all of this information I was hoping you would understand what I was trying to tell you.
Abhineet Rastogi
but aquaman is popular character and there is very good photos and so difficult to draw so plz can you draw it
But as I mention in my video, it would be smarter for me to do an Aquaman tutorial when the Justice League movie is released. Right at the peak of the hype, when A LOT more people will be searching for a tutorial for him.
When is the best time to sell Christmas trees? Near Christmas, right? It wouldn’t be smart to sell Christmas trees in February. It’s the same marketing technique. Present your product at the peak of its popularity.
Ramny can you please draw batman from batman arkham knight
Ayaan ahmmad
Can you make a green goblin : spider man no way
Home tutorial video.
Jasim Uddin Ahmmad
Can you rope hero from the game rope hero vice town please.
Abhineet Rastogi
okay as your wish draw it when JL is released okay thanks for replying me and i love you drawings ok have a good day
simo ben azzouz
chitanda from hyouka
You have posted this multiple times and you have become spammy as a result. My answer is no.
New 52 justice league
Please draw Near or green lantern
Abhineet Rastogi
hey mujhe tumhari help nahi chaiye i will draw aquaman myself but its better to you draw it
Pls draw 52 justice league
I deleted your first comment. If you are going to write swear words, I will not accept your suggestion. EVER.
Abhineet Rastogi
Whose person you replied
My comment is below his.
Matteo San Juan
Pls draw some ralph dibny from the flash tv series
Abhineet Rastogi
sorry I thought that you replied me
Love your drawings
Abhineet Rastogi
Hello Ramyt whats up buddy can you draw the boss baby
Abhineet Rastogi
You draw punisher very very good keep it up
Abhineet Rastogi
hey ramny you punisher very very good i liked it
Abhineet Rastogi
reply me can you draw boss baby or megazord movie version
Ramny can you draw crossbones from captain America civil war
Hi, Crossbones is really more of a secondary villain in Civil War. Unfortunately he’s not quite popular enough for me to do a tutorial.
Abhineet Rastogi
you Groot drawing is awesome
When did you draw baby Groot rebooted
new version
prasidha sangat
hey ramny do a red robin (tim drake ) comic version new 52 please
Can You possibly (dont have too) but can you draw Blackwatch Genji with the full body that be Awesome thanks if you do.
Draw the batmobile
yes ramny please draw batmobile
Currently I’ve only got tutorials of characters planned.
Maximus Prime
then explain why you drew bUMBleBeE’s VOlkSwaGen bEeTle
Hi Ramny.. I’m a new subscriber and I just read your criteria for tutorials. I want to apologize because in two different videos I made the same request but that’s before I knew this existed. Anyway Love your work and look forward to more of your tutorials.
Hey, don’t worry about it! I don’t expect people to have seen this blog post, so the fact that you read it is already pretty awesome!
Cool thanks for understanding. I just have 1 question..? Do you draw!!? YOU WILL…!! #batmantutorial
Hey Ramny, Im a big fan. You helped me draw my favorite characters. Can you draw Keith from Voltron, legendary defenders? If not, his lion?
Dear Draw It, Too! I have a few things that I would like to see you draw on this channel. 1. The Spiderman Shattered Dimensions game case and NO Time lapse, the one with 4 different types of spider mans, 2. I would like to see you draw Spiderman 2099 or Venom 2099, 3. Agent Venom. 4 Hybrid Symbiote. 5. Carnage. 6. Anti Venom. 7. Spiderman Noir. If you could please draw at least some of these Characters Without Any Timelapse. Im a huge fan of your channel and I love drawing along with you. Thanks for being such a great Youtuber and an amazing Artist.
Mohammed Adel
hello Ramny.. im have recently discovered your channel and i like your tutorials you are talented and amazing
but can you do a catwoman video
according to your article the answer is yes in most if not all the request rules
Ryan Khan
Hello Ramny,
I would like you to draw Sora or Roxas from Kingdom Hearts the video game.
Most of my answers are yes and for is it like near to the coming future then yes.
Hello Ramny,
I have recently discovered you and your amazing drawing tutorials.
I am glade that there is people out there that are willing to help people further in their drawing skills.
I have only one request right now, and that is can you please draw Strife from darksiders or Noob Saibot either one works. Thank you so much for you contribution to us subscribers
Thank you
Hello Ramny,
Thank you for your videos but I have one more request and that is can you show like the basics for inking previouse drawings made. Thank you for your time and effort. =)
Hello Ramny,
Have you thought of doing any destiny character?
If so which one would you do?
Goku super saiyan 3
If u can do its okay. U r da best and i love ur drawing tutorials
hello ramny
I would like you to do a tutorial on game of thrones characters
there is no fantastic tutorial on it
you can do it awesome
plzz take my suggestion in your mind
I’m waiting for your reply
Hey Ramny,
A couple months ago I watched your tutorial on how to draw it and I absolutely loved the results! You are a really good artist, and I think it awesome that you are trying to help other people learn how to draw too.
I was wondering ,if you can ever find the time I would really love it if you would do a tutorial on Paul Welsey; Stefan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries. I have always wanted to draw people but I’m not really sure how to get started. Anyways, it would mean a lot to me if you could!
Thank you,(even if you don’t do it)
Robe Hammons
Can u please draw Thanos from infinity war trailer.
hey can you please draw shuri from black panther and spiderman from the infinity war trailler
Hey can you plz draw hela from thor ragnarok or falcon from avengers civil war
Hi Tammy can u draw Spiderman for infinity war pls it’s urgent
Who’s Tammy? XD
Can you pls draw kid flash from the comics
hey how about bendy and the ink machine XD
Hey Ramny.
Youre tutorials are AWESOME i did ALL youre spiderman tutorials rom the ground on already. but i thought it would be cool, since you have so many tutorials of super heroe’s in costume to do a tutorial of peter parker (not as spiderman) i think it would be awesome, and i hope you will take the time to think about it ^^
hi ramny im a big fan of yours
I now only finished watching game of thrones
I think it fits all the conditions right above
there is no great tutorial on it
im pretty sure that it brings you more views
plzz any of its character
Tyrion Lannister
[plzz plzz plzz
I am a great fan of you I will support you 🙂 🙂
Are you gona do like drawing positions tutorial??? i hope…. good work btw
Can you please draw jake peralta or any character from brooklyn nine-nine
Ran my can you draw batman from batman arkham knight
can you please draw characters from the jurassic series
Can you draw the indominus Rex
Or T. rex or the raptor squad
indominus rex please ramny
indominus rex ramy
Can you draw Meowskle and Midas please??
Tammy could you please draw atleast one of these;
– Hela from Thor ragnarok
– The Indominus rex
– Sheri from infinity war
– The arrow guy from avengers
LOL Tammy is my sister’s name. Thanks for the suggestions
vicene diaz
Hey Ramny can you draw jake paul from bizardvark he plays as dirk in the show
Ivan pacia
Hey ramny im a filipino too,so please make a tutorial for aldous mobile legends plsss… Thank you
The dark One YTB
Hello Ramny
So I have a few Pokémon drawing suggestions u don t have to do them
So can u draw either Groudon,Xerneas,Dragonite,Golem or Gengar
Sylvester Knox
Hi, I want to know why it hard to follow you on you tube. I have time make people come out right, I get mad with myself.
Draw it to can you please draw batman from batman arkham knight please reply to me
Can you please draw adventure time? thanks 🙂
Anurag Bhonde
Hello ramny sir, pls can you draw a fighting seen in which there are more than 2 or 2 characters in one frame. My humble request. 🙂
Hey ramny! Could you draw cyclops from Xman?p.s any picture is fine
Marcel Solano
Hey Ramny. What type of pens and black markers do you use?
your da best!
Hi I love your drawings I’ve been watching your YouTube videos for about a year and I was wondering if you can draw another Spider-Man from homecoming, the one where he is lying down in his uniform with headphones on. Thank you very much!
Mr. Nobody
Hello Ramny, can you please draw Ralph or Vanellope from the new movie “Ralph breaks the internet”.
Hello, I love your videos, they are so good. I would like to see you draw Fury from the new DarkSiders game coming out next month. Thank you
Sean Walker
You have done Daredevil before but not as Matt Murdock the lawyer I think this would make an awesome drawing, and is quite popular on Netflix right now with his season 3 just recently released. I dont think it will be to hard espically since with Matt Murdock you don’t have to focus so much on the getting nice clean eyes as he wears glasses as the lawyer with just a basic neat suit.
Edward Frank
I am a recovering alcoholic, and art is great therapy for me. I really enjoy your tutorials. I can imagine you get tons of requests. I would love it if you could do one on my favorite Halloween characters Dracula? I was thinking maybe from Bram Stoker’s Dracula? Gary Oldman did a great dracula.
Hey could you do Impulse? He is also known as Bart Allen or Kid Flash II. He is Barry Allen’s grandson. I realize he is not quite as well known but I thought I would just throw it out there. If not it’s totally cool I understand. Thanks!
Suraj shiraname
Hi ramny!
I am your biggest fan…
I saw new video of patron
And I am excited for it
The request is
-spider Gwen
-captain marvel
Or carves grave
Draw for me any 1 please please draw for me!!
Hello Ramny, I love watching your videos, they are very helpful. I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on how to draw Fury from the new up coming game, Darksiders 3 made by THQ Nordic.
How about some drawing exercises and tips to advance art work.thanks
Can you make a Ms. Marvel video?
Aasa Singh
LOVE your videos but..
could you pls draw Newt Scamander fron Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
pls thanks
Hey buddy
Love your videos
Your quality of videos is amazing
could you pls draw Newt Scamander from the crimes of Grindelwald
I love your videos and like EVERY SINGLE ONE of them, draw whatever you like and keep doing drawing turtorious!
Hey Ramny, I just want to ask you if you could draw Hela from Thor Ragnarok, I do know it has been a while but can you please do it for me, I really want to to draw all of the characters and I would like it if you draw the Valkyrie please.
I am Zackary, and I really want you to draw Hela from Thor Ragnarok and the Valkyrie also from Thor Ragnarok please.
Well you tell the truth above wo should respect u
Zack Gardner
Hey Ramny, I am Zack and if you could, could you draw the old venom from the old Spider-Man movie please cause he looks really cool and it would be cool if you could draw him please.
seth broadwater
can you plzzzzz draw scooby doo for my little brother
Julian Tomas
who is this
Julian Tomas
can you draw Michael Jackson?
can you draw a old mortal kombat character or the new version
Rudra Angadi
Pls draw Dumbo 2019 and endgame iron man,Thor,Captain America,rocket,captain Marvel and black Panther and draw all of them full body and also draw Hulk.
Ramny, please draw more spiderman ps4
Hey is there anyway you can do turtoials for some characters from Persona 5
Ramny will you please go to this website: https://lnnk.in/@Drawittoo
I made it for you
As a true fan
Whoaa!! That’s awesome!!
john christmas
Can you please draw spirit spider from the spiderman ps4 game?
I’d really appreciate it!
i dont want to be spammy but i dont know if my other comment went through
can you please draw bob ross
hey, can you draw Tim Drake as red robin?
Hello. I’ve recently started drawing as a way to deal with some mental health issues. I would love it if you could do a tutorial on Edward Scissorhands. Or Jack Nicholson’s Joker. I think some old school tutorials would be awesome! Thanks for helping me draw! Keep up the good work.
Hey for mortal kombat 11 can you draw baraka next I will really appreciate it thanks keep up the good work and let’s reach 1 million subscribers.
Maybe you should do all characters on Arrow for the last season. including throwbacks of characters like Arsenal.
Hi Ramny,
I like your drawing videos very much,
I always watch it every day and try to draw also if i have the time for it
, and i already learned alot from your videos, but i have a request, can you make a tutorial on world of warcraft? Hope to hear from you, and keep up the good work.
Can you draw chucky from child’s play 2019 remake
Please draw kid buu from dragon ball z or draw kakashi hatake from naruto please they are my favorite please and by the way i love your tutorials and you really good. Keep it up
hi ramny. could you draw dean winchester from the tv series supernatural. thanks
Can you draw Batgirl Please
Can you please draw noob saibot from mk11
You post the videos in your website YouTube has problems but you don’t have. You are the best drawing teacher for superheroes and video game characters.I am grateful if you see this
Can you please make a tutorial on thorin, gandalf, or any Lord of the rings and Hobbits characters. Love your tutorials keep it up.
Anurag Bhardwaj
Hey Man,
First of all, your content is Great & Amazing!
I wanted to request you for a tutorial on WWE Superstar – Kane.
It’ll be a great favour and Honour for me if you draw it.
Lots of Love & Good Luck.
The dark One YTB
could u draw Deadpool (comic version with his arms crossed) quoting “outta ma way newbie ”
can you please draw spawn from mortal combat 11
thank you
can you please draw spawn and joker from mortal combat 11
thank you
My name is Venu Wandile,and I am an Indian boy whose age is 12 years.I found your channel this very month and have started drawing MCU characters by following you in your tutorials.I also love drawing very much like you.I have decided to draw all the avengers in their hero form,but my decision cannot succeed without hawkeye. I tried to follow your speed drawing,but couldn’t succeed.Therefore,I request you to post a step-by-step tutorial of hawkeye in your channel so that I can succeed to draw all avenger heroes as I decided.I have also attached some photos of my drawings from your channel.So,I hope that you would have read my email\request till the end and would help me by posting the hawkeye tutorial.
Love You 3000!!!
Can you do the doom slayer from doom 2016/eternal
Stan Lee
I would love a Mysterio drawing in portrait mode, not landscape mode. I really want you to do detailing on Mysterio’s body
Armand Nadjafi
Can u draw an unmasked version of Deadpool
Hi Rammy!!! I LOVE your drawings and I am a big fan of yours. Can you please draw Meliodas from the game Seven deadly sins?
aditya rastogi
Sir love ur drawings. Can you make a tutorial for chappie from goosebumps series.
The dark one
Can u draw ravenpool or cuddlepool from Fortnite
sean xiong
can you draw my faverat ufc fighter his name in tony forgoson plese and i love your youtube channal by the way.
Maximus Prime
Can u draw Transformers Generation 1 MEGATRON or G1 IRONHIDE or a G1 full-body DEVASTATOR and all the other G1 Transformers?
Maximus Prime
Hey Ramny, I am old to your channel, and I REALLY like your videos. Can you just draw Clifford DeVoe/Thinker, Nora West Allen/XS, Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash, Harry Wells, and Cicada from The Flash PLEASE?, I’d really appreciate that.
Maximus Prime
Ramny, I am a HUGE FAN of your channel, I just have a request; can you PLEASE draw Transformers G1 MEGATRON or G1 OPTIMUS PRIME and ALL the other G1 Transformers, it would be much appreciated.
Maximus Prime
Can you please draw Nemesis stage-1 from resident evil 3 remake.If not, its okay.
Hey Ramny, I would find a drawing tutorial on the Avengers: Infinity War poster or the Avengers Endgame poster really helpful and fun whenever you get the chance. I understand if you are unable to do this. Anyway be careful during the virus, slow down the tutorials if needed but thank you for everything. I already posted a comment on the M’Baku tutorial saying this but stay home, and stay safe.
Hey Ramny, I would find a drawing tutorial on the Avengers: Infinity War poster or the Avengers Endgame poster really helpful and fun whenever you get the chance. I understand if you are unable to do this. Anyway be careful during the virus, slow down the tutorials if needed but thank you for everything. I already posted a comment on the M’Baku tutorial saying this but stay home, and stay safe.
sorry I posted it twice
Hey Ramny, I don’t know how to post comment.I think I posted one.But I am not sure my last comment reached you.If not,read this. Can you pls draw Nemesis stage-1 from resident evil 3 remake.If my last comment reached you I am so sorry to be spammy.
I am very very sorry my first comment actually reached you.
Will anyway I LOVE UR CHANNEL.Sorry too lazy to change caps to small letters
Can you draw Oni or Saurian from Mortal Kombat X ?
Rafay Mahmood
Dear Ramny,
I’ve been wanting from you this totorial for years now it’s the batman the enemy within…. It’s my favourite batman please draw it.
If you are drawing logos,draw the Draw it,Too! logo.(If you haven’t)
Thanks for the Jill Valentine!!If you are drawing anymore resident evil 3 remake drawings,try doing these
3.Infected Brad
4.Brad Vickers
5.Nemisis stage (any one of these)1,2,3
Omansh Dixit
Please doThe professor (From honey heist )
Scott Jepson
Can you please draw R2D2 for my son, he loves drawing your Star Wars characters.
Thank you,
Can you draw Medusa from inhumans please
dark angel
ramny could u draw kakshi from naruto series plz
Yashmeet Singh
Can you please draw Adam from Dark…. As you draw famous characters.. Its famous as new season of dark coming on 27 june… Please draw Adam..
can you make a ben 10 tutorials. please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
draw it too super fan
please draw misty, brock & professor oak from pokemon.
draw it too super fan
i am your super fan
thank you
draw it too super fan
can you pls draw-
professor oak from pokemon.
pls, ignore this post if I already sent it to you.
I am not sure if the last reply reached you or not
draw it too super fan
and Arceus too
Could u draw spider armor mk ll suit please I’m twelve wanting to draw that spider man hopefully u will draw it
Will u make spider armor mk ll please I’m twelve and I’ve always was a spider man fan
Hi could you draw spider armor mk ll please u don’t have too a course
I’m twelve years old too and I also draw spider man but not as good as u
Rudraksh Bhattacharya
Hi Ramny sir,
I am really impressed from your Tony Stark speed drawing so can you make a Tutorial based on that video?
Madhuchhanda Khawas
Please make raichu the older form of pikachu
Clyde Ng
Hey ramney! Can you please make a video on how to draw Ghost from Call of Duty Mobile? It’s a really cool character from a huge franchise of popular games. In fact it’s probably the most popular character in the Call of Duty franchise!
teen titans original
Will you do Cal Kestis from Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order?
awsome can you draw aqualad from young justice
Can you please draw king shark from the cw
Can you draw king shark cw and call of duty captain price
It would be very good if you drew fortnite skins for chapter 2 season 3
As the game is trending a lot rn
Love ur vids
Raghav aiyer
Make a tutorial on flying jatt (INDIA)
Dear, Ramny
My name is Evan and I am new to your channel. I would love it if your could please do tutorials for the characters from The New Mutants marvel movie. I would love that because I am a huge marvel fan and I love X-Men. My favorite superhero is the wolverine. If you read this please reply because I love to draw just like You and when I grow up I want to work for Marvel Studios as an Actor but in my free time I want to do a drawing youtube channel. thank you.
From Evan. Your newest draw It too fan.
spider man 3
spider man- 3 black suit
Bart simpson
Hi could you please draw the simpsons please
can you draw anti venom bi the way im a huge fan
Aryan Mohanty
Hi Mr. Ramny,
Can you please draw Ninjago Characters?
Thank You for your patience and cooperation!
Alfie Render
Can You Please Do A Pennywise Deflated versione from IT chapter 2?????
Love the tutorials
Yeap Hong Sheng
Pls draw Love n monsters plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplspls. :'(
Shawn Olson
Could you draw spider armor mk ll, pls full body suit
IMG 1414 draw it pls do the suit
Can you please draw tarfful from star wars.
Laura McCarthy
can you please draw the mandalorian as he appears in season 2 full body?
Youre tutotials are super awesone and rspecially spongebob tutorials are really fun so i was wonder if you would be able to make a tutorial of drawing the pirate painting who is singing the intro song .
Hi Ramny, Can you draw at least one of these please
– Hela from Thor Ragnarok
– Hawkeye
– X-con Luis
– modular iron man
– magneto
– black widow
– Loki
– What if series characters
– Characters from WandaVision
You’re drawings are so good and also so easy to color keep up the good work, also good you maybe draw Loki thanks
Hi Ramny, can you draw whiplash know as (Ivan Vanko) from Iron Man 2 I know it is not one of the favorites of the MCU and you really only do popular but please I have seen it no where else if the answer is yes thank you so much if no still thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this.
from a new fan
sorry dont know if you got my first comment but please conseder drawing whiplash aka Ivan Vanko from IronMan 2 or at least iron monger From IronMan 1 or davy jones from pirates of the Caribbean 3 at worlds end
can you draw Captain Price from Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Modern Warfare 2019 in particular. Well appreciated.
Me and my kids love your channel and love what you do but I figured I will bring up a suggestion if you ever come back and that is be Bebop and Rocksteady. Shredder kraang, and the turtles will be good too and maybe you can go to their waist or right at. I just figured I would ask keep up the good work brother I hope you make it back
Can you please draw tarfful from star wars.
Can you please make izuku midyoria from my hero acadamia