UPDATE: Due to my repetitive strain injury (RSI) on my wrist coming back with a vengeance, I won’t be able to make videos for (hopefully only) a week. Sorry about that. For more information on RSI, be sure to watch this vlog video in which I talk about it in detail.
We’re taking a break from drawing Avengers to bring the master assassin himself, the Boogeyman, JOHN WICK. With the third movie out this week, it’s only fitting, like a well-made suit.
I try to limit my drawing R-rated characters on this channel because my target audience is a lot younger. But so many of you have been asking for a John Wick tutorial since the first movie came out!
Remember Reaper, the John Wick lookalike in Fortnite? Here‘s a tutorial on him.
The reference photo consists of two images put together: this one and this one.
Happy drawing,
Jonathan “John” Wick, also known by the nickname “The Boogeyman” is a legendary hitman who worked for the Tarasov Mob until his retirement. He quit so he could spend time with his wife Helen Wick, who later died of a terminal illness. His superior Viggo Tarasov would only allow him to quit if he first completed an impossible task, and Wick killed all of Tarasov’s enemies in one night. Following his wife’s death, he came out of retirement when Viggo’s son Iosef Tarasov murdered his dog Daisy during a home invasion.
Source: https://john-wick.fandom.com/wiki/John_Wick

(Right click and “Save Image As…” to download this colouring page!)
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